Travels in Taiwan

We used to live in Taipei, Taiwan from 2009 – 2012. It was a very special time for us and we fell in love with the island and the people there. I had the opportunity to go back recently for a visit to catch up with some good friends and enjoy being back in my second home. This blog post is more of a diary entry really to record some of the highlights of my time away.

I loved being able to shoot an informal family portrait for the Schindlers, a dear family that we used to live with. I loved getting to spend quality time with them again and see their beautiful boys – new additions since I was last in Taipei. Other highlights included a trip to ε˜‰ηΎ© (Chiayi) to visit some good friends there. We went toΒ ι˜Ώι‡Œε±± (Alishan Mountain) and climbed up and down the boardwalks to see the ancient trees and the famous cherry blossom trees. The weather was pretty rainy most of the time in Taiwan but it made for some misty, eery shots of the mountains and the tea tree fields. I ate lots of delicious food and was enjoying it so much that I often forgot to photograph it. I met some cute and unusual animals – dogs in dresses and a sugar glider that lived in a scarf. I loved being back in Taipei and seeing all the tall buildings and funny English signs (anyone know what a phubber is?)

I loved seeing how friend’s families have grown over the last couple of years and enjoyed playing with the kids in the park and at Taipei zoo (it took me back to taking my own baby there 5 years ago) Other highlights include getting laser eye surgery! I can now see without glasses for the first time since I was a kid! Still don’t quite understand how this works, but I am loving it! Mostly I just loved being back in the environment and catching up with dear friends. It didn’t feel like 4 years since I left, in fact I felt just as much at home as I ever did and was so grateful for the chance to reconnect with people.

So please forgive my indulgence on this post, I realise this is mostly for myself, but for those that may be interested here is a snapshot of my recent travels in Taiwan.



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